Why You Should Start Doing Yoga Now? Yoga has become a popular form of exercise in the last several decades. Globally, people have come to accept the physical and psychological benefits of yoga. A complete yoga practice can include exercise, breathing practices, meditation, mindfulness, and even diet. Plus, there are plenty of companies as well […]
Category Archives: Exercise & Injury Prevention
If you’re like most people, the most frequent time you see a pool is during the Summer Olympics. What you may not know, however, is that a pool is one of the best tools you can use to help get yourself into shape and improve your fitness. Here are 5 reasons you should consider adding […]
You agreed to play tennis this Saturday morning with your two closest friends. You’re a little nervous because it’s been a while since you lasted played and they’re regulars at the courts, so you decide to arrive a little early to warm up.
Besides shaking the dust and rust off your racket, taking the time to warm up is a fantastic idea for multiple reasons!
Why warm up before exercise?
While our muscles have the great ability to respond to changes in length and tension, they can get cold—both figuratively and literally speaking—if we’ve been sedentary, slow moving, or in a chilly environment whether for hours, days, weeks, or months.
Strains, sprains, and painfully sore muscles can be unfortunate causes of unprepared physical activity, especially for those with bone and joint conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
We’re on a mission to discover the ultimate home workout routines that keep us motivated and energized. With gyms and fitness studios temporarily closed or operating at limited capacity, it’s more important than ever to find effective ways to stay fit and healthy in the comfort of our own homes. In this blog post, we’ll […]
Mild ache along the back of your lower leg? Does it nag right above your heel at the end of an intense week of training or after sprinting or climbing stairs? It might be especially noticeable in the morning yet improves over the course of the day. If this sounds like your experience, keep reading […]
Most people have a “weak in the knees” moment at some point in their life – the day they meet the love of their life, their wedding day, the day their child is born. But in general, weak knees aren’t a good thing. In fact, they leave you susceptible to injury and pain.
So, what can you do to strengthen your knees?
Get ready for a surprise…try addressing your glutes! (That is, your butt muscles).
The older we get, the more important our cardiovascular health. When it comes to aerobic training, how you exercise is just as important as how often you exercise. The heart rate zone model is a popular approach to monitoring your endurance training. Five heart rate zones range from 1 being low intensity to 5 being […]
Heat and ice packs are common recommendations for joint injury, but which is better and why? What is it about these two seemingly forms of therapy that can help joints move and feel better?
If you want to know whether you should ice that sore knee or put a heat pack on it, this post can help you decide.
Joint discomfort impacts millions of people in the United States and abroad. Chronic joint stiffness and achiness can become debilitating, particularly when it results in fatigue, weakness, and lack of range of motion.
For the lifelong athlete, lack of movement translates to a lack of play, fun, and wellbeing.
Aging is an inevitable process, but there are strategies and daily habits that can help you manage and support your joints and the quality of life you want.
Everyone is different, so try to see which tips and combinations offer you the best results.
Your feet are complex machines with many small, interconnected parts. Not only that, they are the most commonly used parts of your body and, thus, must be flexible, adjustable, and responsive. Just like any other machine constructed this way, if just one of those parts isn’t working, the whole machine will work improperly, and you […]