Category Archives: Hype or Healthy?

The Vitamin C and the Immune System

Many of us grew up following common knowledge: when you feel like you’ve caught a cold, load up on Vitamin C. 

We know that this post isn’t a perfect fit for our Hype or Healthy series–after all, we know that Vitamin C and the immune system is linked–but, after this season’s wave of common cold and flu viruses, it got us thinking…

What exactly is Vitamin C and how much of a role does it actually play in the prevention of the common cold?

Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Hype or Healthy?


We don’t need to remind you that omega-3 fatty acids are popular nutrients these days due to their benefits not only in joint health, but also immune, cardiovascular, and brain health, too. 

Amongst the plethora of omega-3 options, you might have seen omega-6 fatty acids thrown into the mix…but how are they different?  Is one better than the other?  Should you be consuming the same amount of each?

Let’s dig in and answer those questions…

Hype or Healthy: Creatine Supplementation

If you’ve looked at supplements to enhance athletic performance or to support brain health, creatine has almost certainly come up on the list. This highly popular supplement is considered very safe and effective and is used by people worldwide. It is important to understand the benefits of the supplements you are considering, as well as […]

Hype or Healthy: The “Fat-Burning Zone”

You may have heard about the “fat-burning zone,” which is the optimal heart rate to achieve while exercising to lose weight. Sustaining this peak heart rate during aerobic exercise can help you to lose weight faster and more efficiently than other forms of exercise. For this reason, some newer treadmills and ellipticals may indicate a […]

BCAAs: Hype or Healthy?

If you are an athlete, focus on staying active, or strive to maintain a healthy physique, there is a good chance you have heard of branch-chained amino acids (BCAAs). Touted for helping in energy production, minimizing muscle soreness, weight loss, and even fighting fatigue, BCAA supplementation is getting a lot of attention. The question remains: […]

The Top 10 Posts of 2019

Today is the last Friday of 2019 and, if you’ve been a part of the Flex Fam for some time, you know that Fridays are a special day of the week for us. Each Friday–which we’ve dubbed Flex Friday–we strive to publish an article with actionable tools, helpful tips, or background knowledge on topics relating […]

MCTs: Hype or Healthy?

So far in our Hype or Healthy series, we’ve covered collagen, hyaluronic acid, omega-6 fatty acids, and probiotics. We like to offer you a look at what the research really says about these popular supplements. Are they just fads? Or does evidence back them up?

Today we’re going to take a closer look at medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). If you’ve been wondering what MCTs are, the benefits they offer, and what the research says about them, keep reading!

Collagen Supplementation: Hype or Healthy?

Take a look at any health food or supplement store, and you will find a multitude of collagen-based products. People look for collagen for all kinds of reasons, whether it is to help to maintain healthy skin and look younger or to support healthy joints.

Knowing what a nutrient or supplement does and seeing if there’s evidence that backs up its claims can be really helpful pieces of information when deciding on whether or not to add a popular supplement to your regimen.

Hyaluronic Acid: Hype or Healthy?


Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a popular supplement as well as topical cream proposed to positively contribute to joint health and skincare.

Are the rumors true or is just hype around another supplement?

Let’s dive into what it is and how it is used…


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