Dislocations happen commonly in ball-and-socket joints. These joints move freely in nearly any direction. The shoulder and hip are the primary ball-and-socket joints in the human body. However, this freedom of movement also leaves them prone to dislocation and subluxation injuries. This happens when the “ball” slips out of place and loses its connection with […]
Author Archives: Artic Flex
You may have heard about the “fat-burning zone,” which is the optimal heart rate to achieve while exercising to lose weight. Sustaining this peak heart rate during aerobic exercise can help you to lose weight faster and more efficiently than other forms of exercise. For this reason, some newer treadmills and ellipticals may indicate a […]
Previously, we discussed hip injuries and looked at several different hip injuries. Today, we’re going to take a deeper dive and explore some of the most common specific injuries. Fractures of the Femoral Neck The hip is a joint that joins the femur (the thigh bone) with the pelvis. Both bones can be broken or […]
Back in May, we posted an article called, “The 5-Minute WFH Stretch Routine.” Since it was one of our most-read Flex Friday emails, we thought we’d follow-up with an actual workout routine you can pair it with!* If you’ve been working from home (WFH) and have noticed that your body is stiffer than usual and […]
Omega-3 fatty acids are a popular topic when discussing nutrition and health. Omega-3s are a type of fatty acid. Fatty acids are substances that contain two ends: one end is a fat, the other an acid. Omega-3s are found primarily in fish and fish oil supplements. They are not usually found in multivitamins and are […]
Hip injuries are widespread and can cause problems if not managed. Our hips support much of our weight, so an acute or chronic injury can be debilitating. Some of the most common hip injuries include:1 Bruising Muscle strains Dislocation Fracture Even a mild injury can make it challenging to get around. Let’s take a look […]
When it comes to makeups, lotions, soaps/shampoos, and other beauty products, the ingredients list can get confusing. What the heck is diethylhexyl phthalate anyway? In the United States, oversight of cosmetics is painfully lacking. Luckily, we’re here to help guide you through some dangerous ingredients you should avoid when shopping for personal care products. Here’s […]
RICE (sometimes PRICE) protocols are a standard treatment for muscle or tendon injuries. As the acronym implies, the injury should be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Sometimes protection is included as well. (P)RICE is commonly used to manage the following injuries:1 Sprained ankle, knee, or wrist Pulled or torn muscle Tennis elbow Bursitis […]
Amino acids are the basic building blocks for proteins. Before we dive into the details about amino acids, let’s take a minute to level-set about proteins. We all know protein is an essential part of the diet, but protein has a slightly different meaning at the biological level. Proteins are large molecules that your body […]
Your spine may be the second most important part of your anatomy, second only to the brain. The spine provides structure to our bodies, giving them shape and allowing them to withstand the forces of gravity. This is not the spine’s only job; it also protects the spinal cord, which connects the brain to the […]