Krill oil is the key to more efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Compared to what? Fish oil.
We don’t have anything against fish. In fact, fish oil and krill oil are pretty similar: both contain the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.
It just turns out that our bodies have an easier time digesting, absorbing, and using nutrients along with krill oil’s phospholipids as opposed to fish oil’s triglycerides.
One practical way of looking at this is the sheer size of fish oil capsules…they’re huge! Since triglycerides aren’t
absorbed as efficiently, you need to consume more to reap its benefits.
With krill oil, on the other hand, less is more. Phospholipids help our bodies better absorb and access
the bone-and-joint supporting nutrients and, most importantly, help our bodies use them! Another plus:
since we’re able to better digest krill oil, that means no fishy burps!
Our bone & joint formula includes the world’s first and leading krill oil: Neptune Krill Oil (NKO). It is harvested
sustainably from the Southern Antarctic Ocean.
In fact, Artic Flex and NKO are Friends of the Sea Certified! Learn more below.

Astaxanthin, the antioxidant 6000x more powerful than Vitamin C.
Astaxanthin is potent antioxidant found naturally in krill, giving them their red-orange coloring. (Interestingly enough, krill’s main source of astaxanthin is algae!)
Don’t worry, your skin won’t turn red when consuming astaxanthin. Instead, it will help neutralize the free radicals that roam throughout your body and do damage to your healthy cells.
Astaxanthin packs a powerful punch in fighting these free radicals and minimizing the effects they have on connective tissues.

Improve your joint health at the cellular level with omega-3 fatty acids.
The Western diet is traditionally very high in omega-6 fatty acids and extremely low in omega-3 fatty acids.
This might not seem like a big difference, but researchers have found that it has a big effect on how our immune systems’ inflammatory responses are triggered and carried out.
Omega-6’s lead down the path of increased inflammatory response, whereas omega-3’s act against it.
Combined with phospholipids, omega-3’s help to give our joints’ cells the properties they need to stay strong, fluid, and adaptive to stressors that come their way!