Exercise & Injury Prevention
Nutrition and supplements aren’t the only things that can benefit your joints. Physical activity and recovery play big roles
in maintaining healthy tendons, ligaments, muscles, and more. Don’t know where to start?
Click the topics below to jump to their sections.

Most of us are aware that we should exercise…but where to start?? There are so many
different ways to exercise that it can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t worked out in a
One way to break down the general category of “exercise” is by the way our bodies utilize
energy when performing a workout.
Simply put, the difference between the two is that aerobic exercise utilizes your energy system
that requires oxygen to function, and anaerobic exercise taps into your energy system that
(To clear up any confusion or doubts: it’s not a matter of holding your breath or not).
Aerobic exercise is any form of exercise that improves your cardiovascular fitness or makes
your heart work harder and faster evidenced by an increase in heart rate, blood flow, and
respiratory rate. The most common aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, and other low-impact exercises.
Aerobic exercise offers a number of health benefits including strengthening your heart,
increasing mitochondrial functioning, which is necessary to perform at an optimal level, and
helping to promote weight loss by training our bodies to use our fat stores to produce useable
Anaerobic exercise differs from aerobic exercise primarily in terms of the amount of effort
required. Anaerobic exercise is considered a high intensity workout compared to low intensity
aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercises have a number of health benefits including muscle
building, bone and joint strengthening, and improved metabolism all of which make maintaining
a healthy weight easier.
Looking to add anaerobic exercise to your routine? Consider high-intensity interval training! In
addition to the health benefits, others include:
- Short workout duration.
- A lot of variety when it comes to exercise type(s).
- The ability to complete the workout nearly anywhere.
- Exercise equipment isn’t mandatory.

Do you feel like the Tin Man when you move?
Joint stiffness and lack of range of motion are often attributed to inflexibility and pliability of the
soft tissues of the joint.
While exercise can get your blood flowing, sometimes a simpler and gentler approach is
needed. This is when stretching and light mobility work can help!
Here are some tips to add to your morning routine to ease into your day.
Stretching before engaging in physical activity is a must whether you’re a seasoned athlete or
just getting back into the groove after a long hiatus because it’s a great way to avoid injury
especially if you have any underlying musculoskeletal conditions.
Static stretching is what most of us think of when we think “stretch”: target one muscle and hold
a stretched position for at least 20 seconds. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, has been
made popular by elite athletes and is designed to help “warm up” using active movements, such
as performing a squat with a combination jump or skipping while performing large arm circles to
get multiple muscles ready and primed to work.
Learn more about the differences between static and dynamic stretching here.
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Joints are complex structures and involve more than just muscle and bones.
For example…
When any one of the above structures becomes injured, damaged, inflamed, overactive, or
weak…problems often occur. Not only that, different joints have different functions and are
more or less prone to certain injuries.
In this section you’ll find our ever-growing list of Joint Knowledge articles. We know, it’s not
very extensive now and only covers a few joints and structures/injuries associated with
them…but stay tuned!
While not a joint itself, your core plays an integral role in proper joint function. The muscles of
the core perform vital functions for the body, specifically, they provide the supportive base
necessary to carry out all body movements. A weak core can make you more susceptible to
injury and/or chronic pain so it’s important to take the time necessary to build your core muscles
the right way by incorporating some weight training or core specific exercises into your workout

Recover & Rejuvenate
It’s a good thing that exercising is popular these days but, the truth is, our bodies need to
recover too!
If you’re a lifelong athlete, you know that it’s possible to exercise too much. Overuse and
burnout are two extreme results of body that hasn’t received enough recovery time.
Keeping your joints healthy for the long haul can be accomplished in many ways, however,
having a strong foundation in exercise, nutrition, and rest and recovery will give you an edge.
Get started by reviewing these 7 joint tips for the lifelong athlete. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to
consider yourself an athlete to benefit!)
If you’re a new exerciser, rejuvenation is what your body is most likely needing. Not only does
exercise help strength and improve fitness, it’s beneficial for mental health and helps to relieve
Stress and anxiety that is not properly managed has been shown to have negative health
effects. Adding exercise to your daily routine is one way to combat the havoc elevated stress
hormones create within our bodies. Exercise lowers stress by regulating stress hormone levels,
stimulating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity within the body, promotes better brain
health, and helps relieve stress and anxiety in a healthy way. So, the next time you’re feeling
worn down and overwhelmed consider exercising instead of relaxing in front of the television.
Don’t know where to start? Here are 7 Signs You Need a Personal Trainer.
As mentioned above, flexibility and mobility work as well as low-impact exercise are great ways
to let your joints stay active and fluid without putting too much strain on them…but what if your
joints are keeping you from exercising or even moving normally?
One common fix is using heat or ice.
Ice and heat are mainstay treatment options for acute and chronic musculoskeletal related
injuries. If your joint becomes hot and swollen following a sports injury think ice to the rescue as
this will decrease blood flow to the affected area and decrease overall pain and swelling. 20
minutes on and 20 minutes off is a good rule of thumb. However, if you’re suffering from a
chronic injury (lasts several weeks, months, or years) with associated stiffness or muscle
spasms reach for a hot pack to increase blood flow, loosen overactive muscles, and combat

A joint can become injured or damaged a variety of ways, whether through overuse, accident, or
by means of your genetics.
Here, we cover common injuries as well as exercises by body part or by activity. Stay tuned as
we will update this list as we publish articles to our blog!
For Runners
The Shoulder
The Knee
- The ACL
- The Quick Start Guide to Exercising Safely with Troubled Knees
- 2 Simple Exercises for Weak Knees
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